
Glucopuncture is a new injection technique for licensed practioners who are looking for an inexpensive easy-to-learn injection technique for the treatment of nonrheumatic musculoskeletal conditions. We use isotonic glucose (or dextrose) injections into dermis, muscles and ligaments as an alternative for cortisone injections. Glucopuncture is originally designed for doctors / patients who have no access to MRI, ultrasound-guided hydrodissection, and state of the art surgery. We also want to introduce GP in low-income countries for doctors who work with very limited means in remote regions. Projects in Africa, Asia and America are about to start. But we also want to introduce it in countries where modern medical facilities are abundant. It is obvious that more research and clinical studies are warranted to confirm our anecdotal findings and to convince our colleagues.

List of References (*: also on PubMed)

Kersschot J, Treatment of Sports Injuries with Glucopuncture. Archives in Biomedical Engineering & Biotechnology 2021, 5(1)

Kersschot J, Management of Lateral Elbow Pain with Glucopuncture. Global Journal of Orthopedics Research 2021, 3(1)

Kersschot J, Treatment of Dorsal Back Pain with Glucopuncture. Med Case Rep Rev, 2021 (4) 1-4.

Kersschot J, Treatment of Sports Injuries with Glucopuncture. Archives in Biomedical Engineering & Biotechnology 2021, 5(1)

Kersschot J, Management of Lateral Elbow Pain with Glucopuncture. Global Journal of Orthopedics Research 2021, 3(1)

Kersschot J, Intradermal Glucose Injections for Mild Localized Neuropathic Pain - A New Approach to Reduce Pain Medication, Global Journal of Medical Research 2022, 22 (6) 1-6

Mulder B, Kersschot J, Glucopuncture for Traumatic Periostitis of the Tibial Crest. An Alternative for NSAIDs? World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(03), 092-097

Kersschot J, Borms J, Isotonic glucose injections for anterior knee pain: A Clinical Case Study, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(01), 391-395

O'byrne A, Kersschot J, Glucopuncture for Achilles Tendinopathy: A Descriptive Review, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 15(02), 314-321

Kersschot J, Glucopuncture for Rotator Cuff Related Shoulder Pain: An Alternative for Cortisone?, Clin Rev Cases. 2022; 4(2): 1-4

Kersschot J, Treatment of Tension Headache, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(03), 682-686

*Kersschot J, Karavani I. Isotonic Glucose Injections for Postherpetic Neuralgia in the Elderly. Cureus. 2022 Sep 29;14(9):e29740

*Kersschot J, Mathieu T. Treatment of Painless Nodules With Glucopuncture in Dupuytren's Disease in Men: A Clinical Case. Cureus. 2022 Nov 13;14(11):e31445

Ferrie J, Kersschot J, Treatment of Lateral Ankle Pain with Glucopuncture: A Clinical Case. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(01), 1012?1016

Kersschot J, Laverde D, Treatment of Grade 1 Hamstring Injury with Glucopuncture: A Clinical Case, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(03), 1084?1089

Kersschot J, Glucopuncture: A Clinical Guide to Regional Glucose 5% Injections, B P International (India/UK), ebook May 2023

Nurhasanah L, Kersschot J, Lam KHS, Suryadi T, Suhaimi A, Kesoema TA, Ratnawati W, Injections of Dextrose 5% in Water (D5W) for hip joint pain and stiffness, Korea Anesthesia Congres, Seoul, October 13, 2023

Kersschot J, Intra-articular Glucose Injections for Orthoregeneration of Frozen Shoulder. A Clinical Case. Medical Research Archives 2023, 11(8), 1-5

Kersschot J, Lam KHS, Teinny S, Nurhasanah L, Kesoema TA, Treatment of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome with Regional Sugar Water Injections: A Clinical Case. Medical Research Archives, dec 31, 2023, online 11[12]

Kersschot J, History of Glucopuncture, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 1925?1933

Kersschot J, Glucopuncture for Treatment of Fascial Pain in the Thumb. A Clinical Case, ISAR J Med Pharm Sci, 2584-0150, April 2024

*Lam K, Kersschot J, Suryadi T, A Novel Treatment of Fascial Pain With Glucopuncture: Three Clinical Cases. Cureus May 2024.

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For details and clinical examples: See the book on Glucopuncture published by B P International (India, UK) February 2023 :

Glucopuncture: A Clinical Guide to Regional Glucose 5% Injections | Glucopuncture: A Clinical Guide to Regional Glucose 5% Injections (

Sweet Solution for Medics

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Disclaimer Glucopuncture Website and Online Course

All content of this website is for medical professional use only. Patients should seek personalized advice from a professional regarding their specific medical situation. The glucopuncture course, whether followed online or learned during a medical congress, including its text, drawings, photographs and videos, is for educational purposes among licensed physicians only. The injectates are dextrose 5% or glucose 5%, without adding an anesthetic or steroids. The videos and cases are provided by different doctors who practice in different continents. Some of these videos are more than 10 years old but are still actual in certain cases. It must be clear that the clinical cases described here are only experiences by one of the doctors and are not presented as a proof of the efficacy of glucopuncture, we all know that we need RCTs for this. We do not intend for the content to be a substitute for professional medical advice, counseling, diagnosis, or treatment. Our content doesn?t engage visitors into a professional relationship. Before posting any content, we do our best to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information. Just in case we accidentally missed something, we do not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the completeness, accuracy or usefulness of any information, product, or process disclosed. It is obvious that any patient who might benefit from these techniques, must first be diagnosed properly by one or several physicians to exclude those diseases which cannot be treated with glucopuncture such as cancer, heart disease, rheumatic arthritis, tbc, and so forth. It is also up to the treating physician if he or she has enough experience and skills to address a certain patient with pain. In general, the risk benefit ration of glucopuncture is better than steroid injections, but more research is required to confirm this. However, we typically need more sessions when using dextrose 5% or glucose 5%. The major research is done with ultrasound guided glucopuncture for carpal tunnel (several RCTs). In this course, the focus is on landmark and palpation guided glucopuncture. This is especially interesting for doctors with no access to ultrasound equipment. However, after following this course, physicians are encouraged to follow more sophisticated palpation-guided glucopuncture techniques (dr Cavallino, dr Janze) or US-guided glucopuncture (dr Gharaei, prof Lam, prof Moriggl, dr Kimura, dr Suryadi, and many others). Some of these doctors still use the old term (20th century) of prolotherapy, but that is ok. Most doctors go for the next level of Glucopuncture as soon as they realize the potential of regional glucose 5% or dextrose 5% injections. The information provided in the training courses is intended for physicians with a license to give these injections. Those physicians must respect and follow strictly all local rules and regulations when they intend to apply glucopuncture. The information provided during any glucopuncture course, including this one, is of a general nature only and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity. We are not providing any professional or legal advice (if you need specific advice, you should always consult a suitably qualified professional). It is obvious that this glucopuncture course is designed to teach as many physicians worldwide as possible, especially in low income communities. This website may not necessarily be comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date. Please note that it cannot be guaranteed that a document available on-line exactly reproduces an officially adopted text. Only European Union legislation published in paper editions of the Official Journal of the European Union is deemed authentic. The legal jurisdiction and the governing law under which disputes will be resolved in Dutch and are limited to Flanders, Belgium. Contact Information: write to Kersschot J, Kamersveld 10, Aartselaar 2630, Belgium. Reproduction of the training courses is authorized, provided the source is acknowledged ( and terminology is not altered. It is prohibited to re-sell copies of the courses or parts of them. Further distribution of the training courses are encouraged, especially in low-income populations, but must remain free of charge. The goal is to spread an easy and safe method for pain management. However, prior permission must be obtained for the partial reproduction or use of text and multimedia information (sound, images, software, etc.), such permission shall cancel the above-mentioned general permission and shall clearly indicate any restrictions on use. It is obvious that the developer of this course and those spreading the glucopuncture course among colleagues in the future are not liable for any harm or damage arising from the use of the information provided on this website. The users of this website should not use the information to self-diagnose or treat themselves without consulting a healthcare provider first and discussing the options with her or him. It must be clear that the content of this course is subject to change without immediate notice.